English Chai
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In India, where chai is the beverage of choice, it is sold in tiny tea stalls by vendors that line the streets. All day long, “chai wallahs” or street vendors, brew and serve chai. They boil rich, robust loose leaf black tea in a pot and then add milk, sugar, and spices to taste before serving the chai very hot - almost like a latter-day coffee chain. Englishchai.com aims to serve as an online “chai wallah”, and of course, since we cant brew the chai for you, we can supply you with the finest, 100% natural ingredients used to make the finest chai, all combined in tea bags as well as in bulk.

The interpretation of the classic Indian Chai that is our specialty consists of bold, flavorful black Indian tea, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, coriander, and cardamom. Once brewed, our tea retains its aromatic fullness with a flavor that is slightly sweet, strong, and invigorating, with a rich, full-bodied flavor. Healthy and refreshing, chai can be enjoyed plain, but for that traditional flavor one must add milk and sugar (those that are more health conscious can substitute low-fat milk and artificial sweetener and still achieve the desired effect).

Englishchai.com offers a wide range of flavors and varieties of chai that are sure to please even the most distinguished palate. For those that enjoy chai but don’t have the time to prepare it the traditional way, englishchai.com’s chai tea bags are perfect for producing the perfect cup of chai in a fraction of the time. Whether you prefer it hot or cold, we are sure that after one taste of English chai, you’ll be hooked!

At englishchai.com, our intention is to educate you on the wonderful, exotic taste of chai and its many health and cosmetic benefits. As chai- and its many taste, low-calorie, and decaffeinated variations - grows in poplarity, we hope that you will indulge yourself with our many find chai products.

Our mission is to promote tea as a healthy, refreshing alternative to other beverages. With more people paying close attention to their health and what they put into their bodies, we are certain that once your recognize the healthful properties that are provided by antioxidants, which are the most plentiful in chai and other varieties of tea, you will make it a staple of your daily diet.

Keep in mind that these antioxidants are diluted, almost to the point of bein ineffective, in bottled teas. Therefore, in order to get the full effect of this healthy beverage, its best to enjoy your tea when it’s freshly brewed. Englishcai.com offers a large assortment of different flavors and varieties of tea in order to please the most fickle palate. We believe that our brand of 100% natural loose leaf teas, which can be bought by the bag or in bulk, are made of the best ingredients available on the market, so you can rest assured that you are drinking the highest quality, most affordable tea available on the Web.

Best tasting TEA in the world
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